Monday, May 14, 2007

What a weekend!

Saturday was spent picnicking and playing catch in some huge park in Brooklyn. I managed to burn the crap out of just one arm. I'm going to spend the rest of the summer trying to get the other side to catch up. The park outing did not last long so I made the long journey back to the UES before turning around and traveling back to Brooklyn.

Jason, Natalie, and William met me in times square. To our great surprise we were all dressed up. We had a dirt cheap drink in some scary hole in Brooklyn while Natalie ate a bird. Then we set off to watch Dar's show.
*Note on the show. Dar has this amazing ability to make you laugh at the dark things without ever breaking the moment. Brilliant.

Then, of course, we all went drinking. Not until after our rain bath that is. "We all" includes the original four plus Dar, Gwen , and Dar's Sax playing brother. Great people, good fun!

Sunday was a day of brunching and roof tanning. In honor of our mothers of course. I started the day with brunch and mimosas only to close it out with bar food and pitchers. Mom would be proud. I love the weekends.


JasonBSchmidt said...

LOVELY. Our mamas would be had is proud.

One burnt arm is still funny. I hope it stays that way all summer. Ha ha!

Darla said...

I've never been described as brilliant! Why you is had be is so nice-like? :)

I heart spending time in parks.