I woke up on Saturday ante meridiem with music on the mind. I had to get downtown to rehearsal with a rock and roll cover band. There is something about being in the rehearsal studio with the full band blasting that gets my adrenaline pumped right out my vocal chords. I always leave in the absolute best mood.
After rehearsal I wandered into a salon to get my mane trimmed. It was out of control. My hair was so long that it was brushing my lower back. I told the woman to do whatever the hell she wanted. After cutting off six inches of hair she said “See, you have a clean line now. You used to have a whip!” Now that I think of it as a whip I miss it. I do think its funny/sad I can cut off six inches of hair and nobody notices the difference. They just ask if I got my hair lightened.
This is the before picture. On the right side it's darker but it reaches down to the B in Bud.

This is a terribly fuzzy photo of the after hair but it's the only one I've taken thus far. So deal with it.

Then I met up with a couple friends and enjoyed myself into the wee small hours of the morning.
Sunday I met a crew of lovely folk for bowling. I think I’ve been bowling all of twice in the past eight years and they were both within the last month. The first time I bowled under the name Anne BOWLeyn. I was terrible. I mean it was embarrassing. This time I thought perhaps I should use the name that won me a trophy the last time I was on a league. Oh yes, I was on a league. I was still a fetus at the time but they considered me a member and dubbed me MAYNARD. My fetus bowling name was indeed Maynard and we rocked that leagues filthy socks off. So, I put Maynard up on that board and guess what, I WON! Granted it’s not the best score ever. It’s not even my best. But I still won.

We finished up the day with karaoke and then I fell asleep. Sweet dreams. Not exactly, I was dreaming about some freak that was stalking me. All in a good weekend though, right kids? SIGH, Back to work!
all that and a bowling champ too? gal, you kick ASS :)
You know what makes bowling even better? Trampolines. If you can rock a bouncy 7/10 split, you are truly unto the awesome. Bonus points if you can reach the ceiling before releasing the ball. Anyone caught saying "boingy" will have to do a shot, so be sure to say that a lot for maximum enjoyment.
raar, and i meant that
Busy is good! I like the new cut. I have never ever had my hair that long...I am in the process of trying to grow it out though. Just to see if I can do it.
Great cut! And I love this happy post! Keeping crazy busy seems god for you! I wanna hear you sing with the rock band!
That's good, not god. I'm on the treadmill. You know, the great multi-tasking. :-P
Wow! She did cut a lot off! But, I like it, even though I love long hair.
And you're a good bowler. I can barely beat that score and I've been bowling for years. Okay, I'm lying. I only bowl online. ;-)
Long long or short long, they both look good.
Nice mane, Maynard!
I rock the Wii bowling but I'm unpredictable when it comes to the real thing.
I bet it was Jay in your dream that was stalking you. Cheers Knight !!
If you had plopped in my chair and said do whatever with your hair you would have totally left with a pink and green mohawk. Lucky I'm not a barber, so I don't barb for a living.
I like the new cut - the layers give it more body. Veray sexay. Do you whip your hair back and forth?
I never really considered myself a freak....
OK, I guess I am a freak.
but your hairs cut looks AWESOME! And yeah, I can't bowl for beans!
wow, never pictured bowling in the city. it seems like that would require too much space - ha!
but it sounds like a fun time. good weeks are good for the soul
You look lovely, Honey.
And rehearsal studio therapy is totally going to be a thing!
SMH (AKA Beignet if we're bowling)
What did you do? That looks like crap! Oh wait... that's the computer screen isn't it... Sorry about that. ;)
Sounds like a fun weekender. Ahhh... reminds me of the time when...
You got your hair cut and drank! Good thing you didn't drink and cut your own hair. That would have sucked.
Hand written post! Lets see one..
I can't believe I got beaten by Maynard. Does the time we bowled with Stripey in Reno count within the last 8 years, or was that longer ago-er? AHH!
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