Anyway, I'm a little confused because I have not lived in my hometown for almost 6 years. I was 18 when I left and I don't really know the life there anymore. I also didn't keep in much contact with any old friends that are still in the area. Casey, however, lived in the QC last summer and one of his best friends lives there. He might be entertaining me in my hometown. WTF? Honestly I'm a little excited. This has got to be amusing.

So I felt like in honor of these new plans I would share a little bit of info about where I grew up. When I say I'm from The Quad Cities (there are 5 cities) nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about. Especially when I say more specifically Moline, IL. So basically I grew up by the Mississippi boarder between Illinois and Iowa. It's the only place where the Mississippi River runs East - West instead of North - South. In all, the Quad cities has a population of about 400,000 people. Not all that small. Moline is home of the John Deere Tractor. I went to John Deere middle school but I I couldn't tell you crap about a tractor and I don't think I have ever been on one.
People ask me such odd things like:
Did you grow up on a farm?
How much land do your parents have?
Did you have any animals?
If you have ever spent more than 10 minutes with me you will find that I couldn't have possibly grown up on a farm. I'm terrified of animals. I know nothing about farm life in the least bit. My parents have a yard on a hill with trees. Do you refer to that as land? I don't have the good, wholesome, loving nature that you usually see from girls that grew up on a farm. I'm evil remember?