Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A whole lotta Poo.

The gift of poo. Within fifteen minutes of viewing this website I came up with about twelve people I need to send this to. I probably won't, but it sure would be fun. The only missing element is the possibility you would miss the moment. I need to see the reaction to spend that kind of cash on actual feces. If you are into this kind of disturbing stuff you might enjoy this monkey.

What was a hit the day you were born?

This is mine.

Man, that is horrible!


Tink said...

I don't want the gift of poo unless it's a gift that makes pooing more possible. Me and my ass, we don't see eye-to-... er, we don't agree on how often that should happen. Hence the reason Tink is so grumpy.

Btw, your profile picture is possibly the cutest picture ever. I want to hate you for it, but you're just too damn cute. ;)

captain corky said...

Do you do that dance on your birthday every year? If not you should, and you should wear leg warmers too. But just on your birthday. Make it happen!

Knight said...

Tink- Maybe a laxative link on the poo website would be helpful? Thanks for the picture comment.

Captain - I have not learned the dance yet but I vow this year it will be done.

GMEyster said...

OMG! I didn't realize you were only 12...good grief! The number one song when I was a kid? 'Mandy' by Barry Manilow! Oy!

Jill said...

I really to do this(I was send here by REH!)