I’m a follower. In the most literal sense of the word, that is. All my life if someone knew where we were going I would just blindly follow them or sit in the car paying no attention as to where I was. This, of course, made me absolutely terrible at understanding directions or finding my way anywhere. I never remember where anything is. I’m not even sure I could find my way back to my old high school without getting lost. I went to that place every day for four f*$#ing years and I can’t remember my route? That’s pathetic.
I’ve been living in Manhattan for almost a decade now. I know my way around just fine in the city. Sometimes when you get out of the subway it’s a little confusing because you are not sure which way is north but you figure it out fast enough. Last night I was in a section of town that I knew fairly well. I found my way to the thrift shop sale and met up with friends. As soon as I met friends they were in charge and within minutes I no longer knew where we were. I don’t pay attention to which direction we are going or street signs or anything. This would be a really easy way to go about murdering me.
I know people say it’s a stereotypical thing that women are bad at directions but it’s not the directions part I’m bad at. It’s giving a shit that I’m bad at. If you know where we are going and I trust that you do then I can’t be bothered to pay attention. Does anyone else have this problem? Can you tell me where the closest train is? Thank Jebus for this map application on my phone or I would never find my way to the bar.
Thank goodness for cellphones eh?
Good to see you Knight!
The main benefit to getting lost all the time is it makes you harder to stalk. Sure, I find it frustrating since I'm the one trying to stalk you, but it's probably for the best. ;-)
I totally understand, but I'm the complete opposite. I always like to know where I am.
I panic a little when I realize that I haven't been paying attention like when I'm in someone else's car in unfamiliar territory.
I am a Virgo, that means I always know where I am. Plus I hate depending on other people or asking for help. I do have a friend (from England where they apparently don't learn directions) who gets lost frequently, good thing they have GPS in the car ;)
I heard recently that the average man will drive an extra 400 miles in his lifetime because he didn't stop to ask for directions.
...Knight, I think Ben Marlan is moving to NYC this week, I sh!t you not...in case, you know, you might like to meet him one day....
I have a questionable sense of direction, but I do like to know where I am... This probably makes me an annoying counterpart, because I *think* I know where I am and where I'm going, but in all likelihood, I will make you lost if you rely upon me and my directions. It might be better if I didn't give a sh!t.
Gary! Actually, i'll be there in abt a month. Going down south for a bit (while searching online for a place in nyc) then headed back up to the city.
And finding the bar should be the easier one - it's finding my drunk ass way home that gets tricky. Especially in Brooklyn, yikes..
There is a Stuff You Should Know podcast abt geocaching that mentions how and when GPS was made available to the public - pretty cool.
Also, I thought it was that women couldn't back the car up/drive in reverse??
I need to know where I am so I can get back home which is the place I'd rather be.
Wait a minute...I get to meet Ben? I haven't met any bloggers I didn't already know. The first one I get to meet is super attractive Ben? This is amazing!
whoa... holy..
I love this post. I am sometimes like that too, when in a car. On foot, I always tend to pay attention. Don't really know why there's a difference.
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