I woke up at 6:30 in the morning and
couldn’t force myself to sleep anymore. I had crazy dreams all night long. I was under investigation for a murder and apparently the person murdered had been stalking me but I had no idea. On top of all that my teeth were falling apart! It was so detailed and intricate. I could write a movie script. My imagination is capable of scaring the shit out of me and it does so frequently. When I checked my
Facebook account I had a whole bunch of status updates in my feed about people having strange dreams last night. Guess I’m not alone.
Not to dismiss your dreams but I have dreams like this constantly. Something tells me I should not have watched the Excorist as a child of 12 years of age....
My dreams were weird too. I could kind of interpret some of it. And, I have to say I loved that fact that 'Edward' was in it -- even though, it was totally PG.
No thank you on slasher dreams. Oh, and off and on I have dreams about teeth falling out and crumbling. I hate those.
That's just Jesus telling you that you need to post more pics of hot Asian women.
Hmm .. I totally missed out on Strange Dream Night. Typical. I've never been all that social anyway.
I used to have very vivid and violent dreams. They scared me so much I never told anyone. I was afraid I would get put on some kind of potential serial killer list or something.
I had complete insane dreams to.
They involved time travel, myself and my wife as children, and some kind of religious cult.
It's mostly hazy, but I woke up and was pretty happy to be back in my life.
No strange dreams for me last night. On the other hand, I don't think I slept well enough to dream at all.
I was afraid that those facebook status updates were going to be from you! Ambien-infused status updates would be rather scary...
I think your dreams would scare me to death!
I just had my usual doin' Joan Baez on the main stage at Woodstock dream, just like everybody else probably did.
I have that teeth falling out dream too. Must research and report back.
When I saw the picture I thought you were going to tell us about watching the show Dexter.
shoot, KNIGHT, ME TOO! Crazy dreams last night, whoa....
I rarely remember my dreams. Possibly a good thing, if this is the stuff that fills them!
Oh, and I love your label "feeling stabby"....hilarious.
You killed your stalker? Was it Jay?
Hands and feets and bloody razors....Oh My!
I read somewhere what falling teeth is supposed to mean, I'll try to find it
you mentioned that we must be kin
that would make me so happy since I think you're magnificent
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