Monday, June 25, 2007

All in a weekend.

Where did it go? Wasn't I just at my desk all excited for the weekend about an hour ago? What happened?
I remember heading directly to the Beer Garden after work Friday. Rounding out my week the same way I started it. I left early though. Where did I go? Oh yeah... I wasn't feeling so hot thanks to all my vaccinations. Here is to another 10 years of being tetanus free!
Thought I would throw in this disturbing picture of someone suffering from tetanus. Enjoy my nightmares!

Annnnyyy wwwaayy. Friday night was spent watching movies and eating pizza with Casey. In the words of Doodle "Cute *vomits*". Yeah, I know, I know.

Saturday brunch was the celebration of Princess Chunyendu's 2nd annual 23rd birthday. It was freakin' pink galore. A baby was there but she was well behaved so it hardly freaked me out at all. We left a pink balloon trail as we traveled to the after brunch drinking spot Disiac. I heart that place. "A Moroccan oasis in the midst of the chaotic concrete jungle." Aka Hell's Kitchen.

When that was over I did the ritual after brunch nap and then met a friend that just got back from tour and Casey for more pizza and beer. Anyone want to go to the gym?

Then came Pride Sunday. Happy Pride!!! Time well spent drinking Pinot Grigio out of a box in sheep's meadow with a lesbian ex couple and their dog. Then drinking Miller Lite at Blondie's with two straight men and various bar foods. I fell asleep by 8 o'clock and missed my ladies outing last night.

Why is it Monday again? Where is life going and why is it going there so fast? Ugh. I have a feeling I'm soon to be the triplet of Doodle and Dar's current twin status. I hope everything works out beautifully guys. I know it will. Mwah!


GMEyster said...

I just saw that same photo on Wikipedia (is that where you got it?!) yesterday, when I was researching Roebling to add a link to my blog. His foot was crushed by a ferry and he decided to 'heal the wound' byt 'water therapy', which is constantly pouring water over the wounded area. He survived 16 days like that. THANK GOD FOR MODERN MEDICINE!

You are a PARTY girl. Love the pizza and movies. Anything worth renting? Pee Wee's Big Adventure? Tee hee.

Triplets are cute. Except when they're not.

Knight said...

As a matter of fact it is. I found it so traumatizing I just had to post and share. Water therapy? *Shudder*

I watched Pee Wee's Big adventure last night as a matter of fact!

Darla said...

mecca lecca high mecca hiney ho!!!

or something like that.

i miss you carbar.


Knight said...

That was right on! Followed by Mecca Lecca High Mecca Ho Ho Ho. That Genie head was so gay.
Miss you too! When will I see you again?