Thanks Tink! It's an honor coming from you, the coolest chick in blogland.
Today I messed with my blog layout a tiny bit. I changed the top banner text and it almost looks the same but I almost made a huge jump to this:
Then I decided it looked a little too crime drama or night court. Very misleading. My co-worker suggested I include a hampster in a parachute falling in the skyline. I don't really understand that one yet but kudos to him for being creative. I also changed up my profile pic to what I call "escaping from the asylum". Casey says I look crazy in the photo so he always harasses me about it. The crazy is exactly why I like it! You all already know I'm crazy if you have read even one blog entry. I have nothing to hide here.
Speaking of crazy, I would like to introduce you to my roommate Al.

Al and I are good friends. I met him at Ikea and we hit it off. I agreed to look out for him as long as he didn't mind me singing and talking at him quite a bit. So far he has proved to be an excellent apartment mate. By that I mean, he has not died on me. I am very proud it's working out.
Today at work I took a few photos of the view from our office.

It's a nice view but it's sad to sit in Queens all day and stare at the place you want to be. The place where all the action is. *Sigh* I'm in love with this city.
Tink totally rocks!
Al looks like a pretty easy roomie to get along with. Hope he's not a slob or anything though.
Love that view from you office.
I'm in love with that city too and I've never been there. haha
Peee Esssss: I love the new banner and the new profile pic! ;-)
Your profile pic is great...crazy looks good on you. I haven't been to NY but I think I'd love it, and maybe I could finally use my pepperspray. Will it really shoot 20 feet? Is it smelly? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
Your roommate looks so healthy! When I sing to mine they turn grayish & die.
You can't go wrong with Tink as your mentor--congrats on the award :)
is that a cheetah print blanket? I want one too!
Tink is a cool chic!
Al seems to be growing on you I think... you should be fine as long as he doesn't decide to leaf you high and dry.
I love NY city as well.... but spend most of my time up there out on the island.... waaaaaay out on the island.
I gotta' pop back in later to scroll down and watch that old ladie video.
You are so cute! Love "Al." He looks like a very sturdy plant and a great listener. He looks happy too!
Congrats Sis!!! And those pics!! I gotta get back to NY!! I love it there and I need to return!!
Al seems to be faithful!!
I like my view of the mountains much better. Maybe because I've been in every large city in this country and seen so much. Na, that isn't it, I'm just country and always have been.
You know what I think we all need? Better profiles, extended ones that explain a lot more about us.
I keep saying I'm going to write an extended profile and post a link to it but I never seem to get around to it.
Jay- Al is a great roomie. He may be a little dirty but he contains his mess to his own designated space.
You have to visit the city. It's the center of the universe!
Jo- Thanks! I like the look too. I don't know why it scares him. Those are legit questions. I first tried my pepper spray by spraying it out my car window when I lived in Illinois. Um.. don't try that. A tiny bit got back in the car and I thought I would die. If by smelly you mean face on fire.. than yes. Mine only lasted about a year. I didn't use it for a long time and it lost the pressure. Now I would have to rub it in someones face to make it effective.
GR- Hah, it's a pillow. For some reason I have a lot of animal print things. The red in the photo is snake print luggage.
Doc- I'll be heart broken if he ever leafs me. That's like giving the finger, right? What island... Trash, I mean, Staten Island?
Farmer*swife- I had to get a sturdy plant or her would never survive. He makes a great listener. Never interrupts me.
Single- It really is a great view. The company lucked out with that. I think Al is faithful. Unless he is getting watered by someone else when I'm not home :O
BBC- A view of the mountains would be great in a calming, serene way. I prefer the high energy ball of the city... for now at least.
Other Art
You ARE part of the asylum.
Visit my blog.
You'll see.
Congrats on the award!
New York is an easy place to fall in love with...
And you don't look crazy on that pic... you look HOT! Ok, maybe crazy HOT!
Oh hell no...It's Long Island - Staten Island is nothing more than a way to get to the Verazanno Narrows bridge...LOL!
BBC- Creative. I responded on your blog.
Mike- Finally! I've been trying to get in for so long! Thanks man.
R.E.H.- Crazy Hot is good. I'll go with that. I thought it was a good Angels Pose for you.
It is easy to fall in love with New York. I was in love with it before I ever came here. It's an obsessive love.
Doc- Oh Good! You had me worried. Staten Island does make a lovely dump though. Long Island has some nice beaches.
Love the new pic. Love New York, too. Could you go outside and get me a dog and a pretzel please? Or maybe a bagel and a cup of coffee. Or maybe some Korean food. No, wait! How about some Italian food instead. Shit. I can't make up my mind now...
Corky- Unfortunately I'm in queens right now so the only options on this block are, Greek, Seafood, Japanese, Thai, Italian, Mexican, French, Chinese, and of course Dunkin Doughnuts. It's all horrible. Still Hungry?
Al sounds perfect... is he seeing anyone?
NYCeCe- Just a couple birds as far as I'm aware. He picks them up at the window but they never stick around for long.
how's it going... you know if Al has any nice plant friends that you could hook me up with... would probably be more rewarding than 90% of the relationships i've had recently...
Knight, I guess I've never thought of asking a man if he wanted one. Isn't it usually women that are interested in things like that?
Us men, we're slobs. LOL
No, Helen hasn't got one, doesn’t want one. Helen hasn't got much of anything in her home. Just a kitchen table and two chairs, and her fifty year old wood burning kitchen stove. A couch in the front room and two other pieces of furniture. She likes it that way and is the happiest most well adjusted woman I know so go figure.
If you ever come to visit, leaf Al at home. I have a black thumb. I kill any plant I come in contact with. I once killed an air plant.
No, seriously.
Hopper- Al had lots for friends at Ikea. If you like a laid back relationship look there.
Tink- What is an air plant? I once killed a cactus. I also killed bamboo. Honestly I'm surprised as hell that Al has made it this long.
I love your plant - very sexy!
Also, I think it would be hilarious if your blog looked like a crime drama or court blog. I can almost hear the Law and Order music now.
Aw, Al's so cute! :)
Gmeyster's comment made me think of Will Arnett doing air guitar and "air-other-instruments" to the Law & Order theme song on Conan O'Brien. Anyone? Seriously, that was some funny shit.
Also, I loved the video of the little old lady you posted on Wed. She is fun!
Knight, Ain't Manhattan great?
agree with your comment on my page that families only really need love re the pregnant man, but:
I like Al. He's both strong and delicate.
Let's go drink champagne in the middle of the afternoon, kay?
I just came from Jay's place, everyone is giving Tink credit it seems!!
She is pretty awesome.
Freak - I LOVE Will Arnett! In Arrested Development, his character made me pee. Air Guitar on Conan is prime shit :o)
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