I’m not talking about your damn feelings. I want to know if you have had your ticker checked recently. Chest pain? Palpitations? Get to the f’ing doctor! Especially since you cosmically know me in some way. I’m starting to feel like the beacon of all heart pain and I mean that in addition to your damn feelings. I’m sure you all know people with these problems but come on, I’m in my twenties. This is ridiculous. Within the past week I’ve had two friends in the emergency room with heart issues. They are both way too young for that to be even close to normal. Neither of them are drug users so you can cross that right off your list of excuses. My mom was just telling me the other day that my crazy uncle called her in the middle of the night saying he thought he was having a heart attack but didn’t want to call an ambulance. What the hell? Call the damn ambulance! You live across the country. What in the hell is your sister going to do to help you? CPR doesn’t work over the phone. On the upside of this everybody has been fine. Just make sure you go to the doctor. I’m a little afraid that every time I start having an anxiety attack and my heart is beating out of my chest I’m going to convince myself I’m having a heart attack. Like I needed one more thing on my list of crazy. Thanks a lot universe.
I'm actually going to the doctor tomorrow... Do you think I have enough time to lose 30 pounds before I go?
I fear I might get lectured tomorrow. At least your friendly reminder was sugar coated.
If your uncle calls again, have your mom instruct him to put the phone on his chest so she can shout "CLEAR!" before hanging up.
My ticker seems to be running pretty smoothly. Although, it does pick up a bit whenever I see a pic of you. ;-)
Well....now that you put that out there....
I'm trying to rest mine as much as possible.
You need to start drinking milk. :P
NO seriously... I have it on good authority that a cup of raw cream every day will clean the plaque out of your arteries. Now how does someone who gags at milk and lives in NYC get access to raw cream? No clue...
Other than that... how are things? ;)
Oh and BTW... I had to ask you a question after reading your comment...
Glad your uncle is fine, but what a silly thing to do ;) I go and have blood tests and an ecg tomorrow as part of my annual check up. I am pretty sure though that everything is going to be okay.
What really scares me are all these kids, teens with no symptoms at least that they made anyone aware of...just dropping on the court or in the field. :-((
My family is riddle with heart disease and high blood pressure and cancer. One of them will get me no doubt so I have had to become super aware of what a heart attack feels like.
I predict with the reduction of P.E. in schools and the rise of fast food and stress on kids you will see more and more heart attacks occur with people in their 20's.
Ten years ago my mom, a cardiac nurse, saw an increase in patience in their 30's in her unit. Only makes sense they would get younger.
I know, gal said it, you do see young students dropping dead in sports etc and you are like WHOA.
As long as I make it into my early 40's, I'm good. Any time after that I count as gifted time ;)
Love lifts us up where we belong. God bless you. Please follow my blog and read interesting posts. Positive Thoughts
CPR doesn't work over the phone!
that killed me
I hug your heart
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