It’s my birthday week. I will turn 28 on Thursday.
I spent Memorial Day weekend roller skating and cleaning my apartment.
I spent $50 at CVS on cleaning supplies. That’s how gross my apartment was.
This weekend I was told, “I think you are an idiot for not wanting to be with me.” Twice.
I bought a ticket to a Turkish bath this morning.
I’m feeling incredibly melancholy and I’m not sure if it’s the guilt of the ex or the birthday blues.
Hopefully my annual party in the park this Saturday will be as awesome as prior years.

Okay, that isn’t my party. That is an anti-war sit in. It’s in the same location though.
My day job got weird. Last week I found myself folding the underwear of a 15 year old girl.
Today I work on getting quotes for a woodworking project.
I dyed my eyelashes yesterday. I’ve never done that before and I probably risked blinding myself.
I’m always surrounded by people and yet I feel lonely.
The first waxing of the season is seriously painful.
I never did finish my tattoo design. I will though. Too bad I didn’t make the deadline.
Why can’t I find black flowers? I wanted to get myself a birthday flower but bodegas don’t carry my color.
I just got a craving for a cigar. If only I were a male advertising executive in the 1950’s. Then I would already be smoking one.
That is all.